Honey, Our Cover Dog

Honey, Our Cover Dog

Hello New People!

Excuse me while I jump up on you to greet you with my tail wagging. I’m still learning to stay down when I’m excited.

Honey Lounging On Grass
Honey Lounging On Grass

My name is Honey, and my adventure began on April 30, 2020 in Tuba City. I was born a stray pup with microphthalmia or a micro-eye, causing blindness in my right eye, but don’t worry, I can still zoom.

I was rescued by the Coconino Humane Association in Flagstaff, who was generous enough to take me to the Aspen Veterinary Clinic. There I had surgery to have my micro-eye removed and replaced with a permanent wink.

Foster homes are fun; mine had many dogs and other animals to play with. My foster family found me a dad and permanent home to call my own, so I didn’t have to go back to Coconino Humane.

Honey Sniffing Strawberry Plants
Honey Sniffing Strawberry Plants

I’ve had several names before, but I confirmed my new name after trying a honeybee for taste on my first day at my new home. Took a stinger to the tongue and gave my dad quite the scare, but the world is full of things I want to investigate.

I have an older roommate at my new home, and she’s helping me learn the ropes – like sticking around when we go hiking in the forest. Camping sure gets me excited, especially hearing all the strangely familiar sounds at night (coyotes).

I love to run off-trail and sniff for wild animals like deer and rabbits, or trout when we go fishing at any of the beautiful creeks that I’ve visited in Arizona.

I come when I’m called and get delicious Blue Wilderness treats that taste like the animals I’m chasing.

Honey In Tent with Friend
Honey In Tent with Friend

At the end of every day, I get to play with, chase, or tug on one of my many chew toys so I don’t chew on something I shouldn’t. Sometimes my dad hides deer antlers around the house so I can practice finding sheds for our next adventure. I know I’m loved because I get to jump up on the bed and have my tummy rubbed while I fall asleep and dream of what tomorrow will bring.

Thank you very much to the Coconino Humane Association, Aspen Veterinary Clinic, and the wonderful family who fostered me! It’s a dog’s life for me.
