Chase’s Corner: What It’s Like to Be a Therapy Dog

By Sir Chase and Jan

Being a therapy dog is a very important job, and a very rewarding one. Let me give you a little bit of history about my journey to becoming a certified therapy dog.

When I was only two years old, my mom took me to this place where I had to do a test. She really didn’t tell me where we were going or what I was going to do there. First, I had to walk through this group of people who all wanted to pet me. I guess that was okay, even though they were strangers.

Chase Ready for Duty
Chase Ready for Duty

My mom has told me never talk to strangers, but this was a test. All of a sudden, this guy came running out in his bathrobe, flapping his arms and making strange noises. I think he either had rabies or was trying to fly!

Then I had to let a person hug me around the neck. Now, Shelties are herding dogs, and they never let the sheep hug them! I stood my ground and let them do it as I guessed this was part of the test.

Then someone pulled my ears and tail. Now that was embarrassing for a prince like me!

I started to wonder when my mom was going to be tested, but I guess that was happening all along since she was right there with me.

After all of this, I got the highest grade, so now was a certified therapy dog.

Then we started our visits to different places. First, I went to Cottonwood Village and put on an obedience show and then visited the residents. If I just stood there quietly, I got lots and lots of petting. I don’t even have to go to a spa!

Chase Gage
Chase Gage

My next visit was to Cottonwood Elementary School where students read many stories to me. I heard the story about Captain Underpants many times. I really didn’t know who Captain Underpants was, but now I know all about him.

Our next stop was Verde Valley Medical Center, and I loved it. I almost smashed my face on the electric doors (which were way too slow) trying to hurry in to see the people. We got to walk to many different areas, and my favorite place was the physical therapy room. You really have to watch out for those people riding bicycles. The funny thing is that they seemed to be going nowhere!

I really miss my visits there, but I hope we will be able to visit again soon after the pandemic ends. Maybe you are interested in being a therapy dog someday?

~Sir Chase