Winslow, Our Cover Dog

Name: Winslow

Hometown: I was born on St. Helena Island in South Carolina and then my Mom’s friend brought me to Rhode Island. My Mom picked me out of seven puppies. She said I had LOTS of personality! We lived on the ocean in Rhode Island for four months, and then we traveled across the country to our new home in Prescott. I’m glad we did, because I’m not really a water dog, and I LOVE the sun and warm weather here.

Age: Five years.

Favorite brand of kibble: Fromm’s Chicken & Vegetable.

Favorite people food: Pizza crust and leftover pancakes.

Favorite toy: My big red Kong frozen & filled with peanut butter.

Favorite outdoor activity: Chasing my “brother”, Wrangler (he’s a three-year-old rescue Malinois/Shepherd), around our ranch property. He’s faster than me, but I’m stronger so I usually get to keep any treasure that we find.

Favorite indoor activity: Trying to steal my “brother”, Ozzie’s (he’s a little mixed-breed rescue), stuffed toys. I don’t have any toys of my own because it’s too easy to tear them apart and they don’t last for more than five minutes, even if they say they’re indestructible. Ha!

Favorite nap spot: Next to the fireplace in the living room on cold nights — I do lots of dreaming there about my many adventures. Or, on sunny days, on my bed on the outside patio.

Fitness regimen: I take a daily two-mile run/walk with my Dad & Wrangler on our ranch property. I really like it when we see the cattle and I can herd them UNTIL they change direction and THEY start chasing ME. Then it’s time to change course and FAST.

Describe your perfect canine pal: Wrangler because he’s ALWAYS ready to have a tug of war, wrestle or run.

Describe your perfect day: I’d start in the early morning by patrolling the ranch property with Wrangler to see if there are any invaders. On really special days – like holidays and birthdays – I’d get to unwrap everyone’s presents all by myself. I really don’t care what’s inside I just LOVE tearing off the paper. Then we’d take a ride in our Jeep downtown and walk around Whiskey Row and the Courthouse Square. There’s always so many friendly people and other dogs there to meet.