Chase’s Corner: The Chase Project on Steroids!

By Chase & Jan Tomlinson

Chase and the new Chase Jrs.

You will not believe what just happened! The UPS truck arrived at our door with four big boxes. I immediately became very suspicious because my mom never orders anything that comes in four big boxes.

I looked on as she started to open one of them. To my horror, it was filled with those little stuffed Shelties that she calls Chase Junior. They all had on red vests that said Therapy Dog, and they were really stuffed into the box. I can’t even imagine how many there are in four boxes! And, I hear her say that three more boxes were still to be delivered! Now, that is the craziest idea I have ever heard.

This job of keeping them all in line and training them is getting way too big for me. Since I AM the Prince, I shouldn’t have to work that hard. That’s why I have servants to do my work.

Now I had to find out what was going on. A fleet of groomers arrived at our house as those Chase Juniors looked pretty messy from their trip. Of course, I never look that messy! I am going to have to hang around to find out where they are all going. Hmmm…maybe she will tell the groomers where they are going.

YES! Something was said about the Verde Valley Senior Center and Meals on Wheels. They are all going to be delivered with the meals. I hope they don’t eat to much or there won’t be any food left for the seniors!

We have boxes and boxes and boxes of Chase Juniors in our Arizona room, so I hope they don’t all escape at night. I will have to keep an eye on them . Sigh! Now it’s just wait to see what will happen next.

You’ve got to be kidding! Four more boxes of those Chase Juniors arrived today. My mom promised me that they were all going away soon. I guess this is just the last 45 of the 150 to be delivered. But that still leaves 15 of them. I am really good at math.

Oh Boy! Two friends arrived today with their truck and SUV. I think that means that the boxes of Chase Juniors are finally going away. Yep. We’re loading them all up, and my mom tells me that I also have to go and help deliver them to the senior center. I have to put on my vest to look official.

When we get there, we start unloading the boxes and take them inside. Since I am the honorable Chase, I don’t have to carry any. There were lots of important people there, and of course, I was the main attraction. There were people from the Cottonwood City Council, the Supervisor of Yavapai County, and especially the reporter from the local newspaper. That meant I might become famous by having my picture in the paper. He took lots of pictures and interviewed my mom. I think he should have interviewed me! We were in the Sunday edition with a BIG article.

Now we still have 15 more of them to take somewhere, so I can get some rest. Then my mom told me we were taking them to Dr. Kara, the pediatrician at the Yavapai Health Service. Hopefully, they will help the kids feel better and bring some smiles to their faces. I am so glad that I got to make so many people happy.

Now my mom says we may need more to deliver to Meals on Wheels. Maybe you can do something good for your community today.

~Sir Chase and Chase Junior