Chase’s Corner: A New Therapy Organization

By Chase & Jan Tomlinson

Just when I thought my mom had run out of new ideas, she came up with another one! This time she had help from her student and friend, Pat. Since my therapy organization that I belonged to folded after CoVid, they decided I needed a new organization so I could continue my therapy dog work.


Let’s see. The first thing I’m going to have to do is get a handbook on how to start a therapy organization. It says the first thing I have to do is apply to be a corporation in the State of Arizona. There is so much paperwork for me to fill out! I am going to be very busy and won’t have time to train with my mom.

I filled out the forms and then discovered that we needed officers and a board of directors. Okay, who should I pick? I finally decided on a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. To make things easy, they will also be the Board of Directors. Whew! That part is done. Now, just sit and wait to hear from the State of Arizona.

Finally! We are now a corporation, but have to have a constitution and by-laws. Oh, I forgot to tell you the name of our new organization. It is Verde Valley Paws For A Cause. I was pretty smart to think of this name. But, now we needed a logo to go with the name. I know an artist. so I will ask her to design one. Then I asked my mom if she would make the therapy evaluation test. This is really a big job for a little Sheltie to do!

After consulting my handbook again, it said the next step I had to do was put our corporation by-laws in the Verde newspaper for three weeks, so people could read them. I really don’t think many people read those pages! If this costs money, I hope it doesn’t come out of my dog food account.

Three weeks went by, and now I have to apply for our non-profit status and get an ID number. This means I have to send the information to the Federal Government. I think they live in Washington, D.C.. My mom says that is a long way from Arizona.

Yay! I got a letter in the mail saying we are now a non-profit, and we even have a number to prove it. I wonder what I can use this number for. Maybe when I buy my new therapy dog vest, I won’t have to pay tax?

My next job is looking into getting insurance, so when my mom and I go on our therapy visits, we have insurance in case anything happens. I am an expert at therapy work, so I’m not too worried about that. These insurance companies are really slow in getting back to me, so I am still waiting on this last thing to do.

My mom just finished teaching a therapy dog class, and now they will be able to take their therapy dog evaluation. I will have to do it too. If they pass, then they will have to see their vet and get a clean bill of health before they can visit.

Everyone will be wearing a vest for their visits, so we need to decide on a color and what we want to have embroidered on it. I think teal is really a nice color, and it will look good on any color dog. I decided to have our new logo on one side of it and then my name and the words, “Pet Me, I’m Friendly” on the other side. That will help everyone know I am a friendly dog whose job is to make people feel better.

Maybe you would like to become a therapy dog some day. So, keep us in mind, and if you would like to join our group, just email me. You can check out the club web site at:, and my mom’s email address is there.

~Sir Chase