Animal Guardian Network at Healing River Ranch

By Rita Thompson-Tinsley

Pasture pals Buster and Shooter. Photo by Dee Dee Purcell

Animal Guardian Network (AGN) is not a rescue, although they do rescue animals in need. They are specifically an animal sanctuary that tend to ‘the ones no one would save’.

As you drive through the gate at Healing River Ranch, located along the Verde River in Camp Verde, your eyes take in a widespread area with meticulously placed fencing and cross fencing, livestock shelters and paddocks; each area specified for the special-needs residents.

Two great Pyrenees peruse nearby, well trained by AGN founder Carrie Singer for guarding and protecting the farm animals, as well as being just good friendly gentle dogs. Nonetheless, they know their job and perform well daily.

There is a Steer Barn, a Farm Barn, there is also Burro Canyon. There is a Canine Unit with round the clock care especially for those in hospice care.

AGN Founder Carrie Singer at Healing Heart Chapel

This is not your average sanctuary. This is an extraordinary animal care facility that extends lifesaving care and rehabilitation for animals who are elderly, neglected, abused, or with special needs. From frolicking goats to grazing sheep, steers, whimsical burros and donkeys, miniature horses and full-size equines, you will find many different personalities and species at this special Camp Verde site. There is even the unlikely rescued bull, Salty, and a longhorn.

Carrie Singer, who was a well established professional, left a successful career for a mission she deemed far more rewarding. Founded in 2009 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, AGN at Healing River Ranch in Camp Verde was the place that Singer desired to be, where she could do the most good for those who need it the most.

Pasture pals Buster and Shooter. Photo by Dee Dee Purcell

In the beginning, Carrie started out helping dogs in every bad situation you could imagine. Then one day, during one of those life changing moments, Carrie realized the magical effect of her own extraordinary gift. It was partly from this true incident, Molly’s Story, as told from a condensed excerpt of the writing of Michelle Chadek.

Molly was found alongside the road, left under a tree to die, abandoned, neglected and picked up by Animal Control. They called AGN, Carrie Singer, who immediately took her to the vet. The dog could not walk, nor barely lift her head. Her skin was literally flaking off in places and her eyes would not focus.

A thorough exam revealed that the dog was severely dehydrated, and her organs had already begun to shut down. They said there was no hope for this dog.

Salt showing off his GOATee. Photo by Dee Dee Purcell

In Carrie Singer’s eyes, all dogs have hope and deserve loving comfort even if their days are short. Decency was shown to this suffering pup, newly named Molly Bear. Under Singer’s care, the best vet care and medications were given. Molly could not walk so Singer carried her everywhere and even hand fed her every nutritious meal. Special therapies were added to Molly’s treatment and Carrie shared the progress daily in Facebook posts.

The world was watching, and Molly’s audience and their prayers were growing. Eventually, Molly rallied and miraculously began to move her legs. Then one day she stood, and then she began to walk on her own. All of this was caught on video and shared with the world. Somehow, her neurological disease that caused her head tilt and eye issues was gone!

Pepe, happy and healing. Photo by Dee Dee Purcell

Molly quickly became a beacon of hope for those forgotten, abused, neglected and abandoned.

When Molly’s time came, she left this world with dignity, grace, and the love of thousands as her final post was read by over 45,000 people worldwide. She shall never be forgotten.

This is only one story. Many of the animals at Healing River Ranch are untouchable, and there are special rules and guidelines for their care so that their lives will not feel threatened, honoring their ‘comfort zones’. The stories are very real, and some are brutal and beyond comprehension, but one thing is for sure, these animals and their needs, their safety and comfort, come first at this animal sanctuary at Healing River Ranch.

Another feature you will find on your extensive tour of the ranch is the beautiful, yet concise, Healing Heart Chapel, designed expressly as a place of peace where comfort and support can be found throughout your grieving process. Carrie Singer believes that “The process of grieving for a pet should be no different than mourning the death of a human being.”

A philosophy that Singer emphasizes and that truly defines the sanctuary is that Animal Guardian Network at Healing River Ranch is “where a long life is not always possible, but a full one absolutely is.”

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