Chase’s Corner

By Chase & Jan Tomlinson

I think I was born into royalty because everyone keeps calling me the Prince, and my mother’s official name is Shooting Star’s Posh Princess! Life at the Palace is good. I have a staff of two servants that meet my every need.

My day starts when I decide it is time for my breakfast. I have to wake up the one servant, usually at 5am. When it is cold and dark in the winter, I have a hard time waking that servant up to serve me my breakfast.

My dog food has gotten boring lately, so I get to have a topping on it to make it more interesting. I get my choice of vanilla yogurt, salmon treats, my favorite low fat treats, or salt-free chicken broth. Oh, by the way, I got a new topping for Christmas. It is beef and cheese crunchy treats!

I love to play the game of having my servant figure out which topping I want that day. When the second servant gets up, then I have my toast before getting my heart medicine wrapped in string cheese. This is because I have learned to pick it out of my food and leave it in my bowl!

If it is cool outside, then it is time for my walk around the Palace grounds or sunning myself on the front porch to watch the activities of the day. Sometimes my servant and driver takes me to the jousting field, where I get to run and play. It’s like a playground where there is lots of equipment like jumps and tunnels and high walks and a teeter and hoops to go through. Whew!

If I don’t go to the jousting field, then we have a great dog park right here at the Palace. We also have a large play room where I can practice my scent work and other exercises.

When I have to go outside, I just ask one servant to go and open the door for me. If one of them says, “Wait a minute,” then I just go ask the other servant to do it!

For a royal prince who lives in a palace, I have a very small space outside. I will have to talk to the palace carpenter about doing something about this situation.

Now it’s time to do my business work. I have to work on the computer to write my column tor the Flagstaff-Sedona Dog Magazine. And my mom keeps coming up with ideas and projects for me to do.

A prince has a lot of business to take care of in the Kingdom. For example, my mom keeps bringing these little stuffed Chase Juniors into the palace, and I have to take care of them and train them all to be therapy dogs. There is also the business of practicing my scent work, obedience, and therapy dog work. I passed my therapy dog test and now, as the royals do, I have to go out and visit those who are sick or lonely.

After a busy morning, it’s now time for my nap. I might decide to take my nap in the front hallway, the dining area, or on the porch in the sun.

After my nap, one of my servants takes me for a refreshing walk around the Kingdom. When we get back, it’s now time for my dinner. I get to choose a new topping!

After the servants serve me my dinner, then they can eat theirs. Then it’s TV time until bed. I like to watch the dogs doing agility or the doggie beauty contest. They don’t seem to be on the TV very often, so then I am forced to watch a lot of football games! It looks way too rough for a prince like ME.

The sun has now set, the palace is quiet, and all is peaceful. Time for my last outdoor trip, my bedtime snack, and off to bed. I usually go in my crate for two seconds and then prefer to sleep in my favorite places during the night.

I am a lucky Prince to have such a wonderful Kingdom, and I wish the same for all of my four-legged friends.

Wishing you a happy and peaceful life.

~Sir Chase, Prince of Dogdom~