Freya: Our Cover Dog

Name: Freya. It’s said that I’m named after a goddess of love and beauty and my pawrents will say that the name fits me perfectly!

Hometown: Chino Valley, Arizona.

Age: 7 months.

Favorite brand of kibble: Diamond Naturals Small & Medium Puppy Formula Dry Food.

Favorite people food: Peanut butter.

Favorite toy: Anything and everything I can tear apart, shred, or essentially destroy! Mommy and Daddy thought it would get better after my baby teeth fell out and I got my adult teeth, but ha-ha I fooled them!

Favorite outdoor activity: Running around our 2.5 acres, sniffing all the sniffs, as well as chasing and relentlessly tormenting my ever-so-tolerant big sister, Keema!

Favorite indoor activity: Pre-bedtime play and snuggles with my Daddy. 

Favorite nap spot: At Daddy or Mommy’s feet. 

Fitness regimen: Morning zoomies combined with parkour off the furniture and Keema. 

Describe your perfect canine pal: Any dog that has patience for my endless puppy enthusiasm! 

Describe your perfect day: I go outside, I come inside, I go outside, I come inside. Interspersed with treats and multiplied by a gazillion times!